Monday, April 19, 2010

The beach all sunny in Olympos. It wasn't sand, instead little sharp pebbles right up to the water, so it didn't exactly lend itself to frisbee. But the water was cool, clear, so swimming was in order.

A stream cut the beach into two sections. There was no bridge, and if you wanted to cross you had to ford across the stony bottom. The current was so strong it snapped the plastic connector on my flip-flops. Normally I wouldn't care but the pebbly beach kinda hurt to walk on, so at first I just hopped around on one foot until I sat/got in the water. That got old so I began looking for a way to fix the flip-flop, but I didn't see any duct tape. I did find an ancient leather sandal, half eaten by something or someone, and so I used that for the rest of the day. It was for the wrong foot.

Also, Colin and I were coming back from a little village, had just crossed the stream, and saw what we thought was a shirtless man sitting with his child. Walked closer and realized it was a woman, just sitting there completely naked with her kid. I'm all for nudity, it doesn't embarrass or fascinate me, but the local Turkish boys seemed to feel differently. They unabashedly orbited around the woman, just walking up and down the beach giggling. But the point of the nude woman: she later came up to my friend Colin and began speaking in German. Colin made confused hand gestures, mumbled something like "huh? wait, what?" while trying to look this woman in the eyes. She just kept pointing to herself, and then to Colin, and saying "child, child" ; I took it as a marriage proposal...and more. But eventually we figured out she wanted Colin, a strapping lad, to carry her kid across the strong stream. He did, and when he came back he told me "I can check that one off the to-do list".

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